Making boring websites exciting with View Transitions API
Thoughtworks Geeknight 102nd edition
Tutorial on how to make simple website elements transition and make them exciting
You can actually hear me talk, not just type.
Thoughtworks Geeknight 102nd edition
Tutorial on how to make simple website elements transition and make them exciting
React Bangalore Meetup #83
A quick tutorial on how to add AI to your frontend apps
React India - Chennai Meetup
A beginner friendly talk on how to build web components with React & how to leverage them in your existing applications.
React Nexus 2023
Improving React Rendering performance using Signals. Lightning talk at React Nexus 2023 International Conference.
React Bangalore Meetup #67
This talk focuses on how to build a Backend for Frontend (BFF) gateway using Wundergraph.
React Bangalore Meetup #65
This talk focuses on understanding React Virtual DOM and how new solutions are on the rise to go beyond the Virtual DOM using alternate DOM implementations and state management techniques to speed up large React applications.
React Bangalore Meetup #63
This talk takes a beginner friendly approach to different rendering patterns and how to leverage edge infrastructure to speed up server side rendered pages.
React Meetup #61
Modern web apps are shipping too much javascript. This talk focuses on how to cut-down on heavy page load times by leveraging Islands Architecture provided by Astro.
Thoughtworks Geeknight 76th Edition
A science + tech focused talk explaining how the world of tiny particles work & how it is leveraged in Quantum computers as Qbits.
Basaveshwar Engineering College, IEEE Student branch
A live stream webinar for college students on which programming languages to learn & how to learn them.
Guvi 30 days webinar
How to use Node.js to build a command line utility - explained in very simple steps by building a translator app live on video.
Guvi 30 days webinar
Building visual model of an application state by leveraging the concept of finite state machines with XSTATE.
Guvi 30 days webinar
Live programming of building a stateful application & managing the state transitions using the Redux library.
Guvi 30 days webinar
A beginner friendly introduction to building apps with React Native - live coding a todo list app on video using an Expo Snack.
Guvi Special Event
Ever wondered you could build your app once instead of thrice? ﹣ Meet Universal Apps in this tech talk organized with the help of GUVI learning platform
Thoughtworks Geeknight 69th Edition
A detailed talk on the state of React Native & the types of libraries & apps the community is building around the React Native ecosystem.
PYT Talks Episode 1
Sharing the best practices on building applications with React based on my experience in building the Pickyourtrail mobile app & the web app.
Thoughtworks Geeknight 55th edition
A talk focused on introducing a new state management approach powered by MobX & how it'll greatly speed up application development times.
Facebook Developer Circles Chennai
A beginner friendly talk + live tutorial on how to build mobile apps with React Native for the facebook developer circles community.
React Native Chennai
A PoC project explaining the underlying architecture of React Native & how we can leverage it for other frameworks with Angular 2 as an example.
Chennai Geeks
How to build applications with Angular 2 - a beginner friendly talk + live coding session.
React Native Chennai
Explaining the most complicated part of React Native mobile development - using the Navigator module to build screen navigation.
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